Making brighter cities

Protecting Our Night Skies: The Importance of Dark Sky Preservation

Telensa Editorial Team on 21 October 2024
Picture of Telensa Editorial Team

Protecting Our night skies

As urban landscapes expand and technology advances, the brilliance of our night skies is steadily being overshadowed by artificial light. The enchanting spectacle of a starlit sky is fading from view, obscured by the pervasive glow of urban development. The Dark Skies initiative stands as a beacon of hope, striving to safeguard this celestial heritage for future generations.  

Understanding the Dark Skies Initiative 

The Dark Skies initiative emerged as a response to the growing concern over light pollution—a phenomenon where excessive artificial light brightens the night sky, diminishing the visibility of stars. The International Dark-Sky Association (IDA), established in 1988, spearheads this global effort. The IDA and similar organisations work tirelessly to educate the public, advocate for policy changes, and promote the use of responsible lighting practices. 

The primary goal of the Dark Skies initiative is to reduce light pollution, thereby preserving the natural beauty of the night sky. This involves not only protecting astronomical observations but also mitigating the adverse effects of artificial light on wildlife and human health. 

Why Preserving Dark Skies Matters? 

The topic of light pollution has gained significant attention from governments in recent years. Authorities have instituted local ordinances and national regulations to combat this issue. Protecting the night sky is crucial for scientific purposes, but there are also numerous other benefits, including: 


  1. Ecological Balance: Light pollution disrupts the natural behaviours of many species. For instance, sea turtle hatchlings rely on moonlight to navigate to the ocean, but artificial light can disorient them, leading to fatal outcomes. Studies have shown that artificial light effects 60% of vertebrates and 30% of invertebrates, highlighting the widespread impact on wildlife. 
  2. Human Well-being: Artificial light at night can interfere with human circadian rhythms, causing sleep disorders and increasing the risk of chronic health conditions such as obesity, depression, and cardiovascular diseases. Exposure to artificial light reduces melatonin production, a hormone crucial for regulating sleep cycles and immune responses. The American Medical Association has reported that nighttime lighting can disrupt sleep in up to 40% of the population  ( 
  3. Astronomical Integrity: Light pollution obscures the view of celestial objects, hampering both professional and amateur astronomical observations. According to the IDA, more than 80% of the world's population lives under light-polluted skies, including nearly 99% of people in the United States and Europe. 
  4. Economic Impact: Globally, we waste about $50 billion in energy costs each year due to light pollution. In the United States alone, transitioning to LED lights and implementing smart lighting controls could save at least $15.4 billion annually by 2035. Additionally, light pollution contributes to approximately 1% of global greenhouse gas emissions, equivalent to the emissions of 49 million passenger vehicles. 
  5. Cultural Significance: The night sky has been a source of inspiration and wonder throughout human history. Protecting dark skies ensures that this cultural and aesthetic value is not lost, allowing future generations to experience the beauty and mystery of the stars.  


Strategies for Dark Sky Preservation 

  1. Useful: Use light only if it is needed. All light should have a clear purpose, considering how its use will impact the area, including wildlife and their habitats. This can significantly reduce unnecessary lighting, which often constitutes a large portion of light pollution. 
  2. Targeted: Direct light so it falls only where it is needed. Use shielding and careful aiming to ensure the light beam points downward and does not spill beyond the intended area. Shielded lighting can reduce light pollution by up to 50%. 
  3. Low Level: Light should be no brighter than necessary. Use the lowest light level required, being mindful of surface conditions that may reflect more light into the night sky than intended. Implementing lower light levels can contribute to energy savings of 20-50% (Dark Sky
  4. Controlled: Use light only when it is needed. Implement controls such as timers or motion detectors to ensure light is available when needed, dimmed when possible, and turned off when not needed. By implementing Telensa's Telecell, municipalities can seamlessly control streetlights through our PLANet CMS system, enabling precise management of lighting and fault detection. This increases the efficiency of each streetlight according to regulations and needs (Dark Sky) . 
  5. Smart Lighting Solutions: Implement adaptive lighting technologies that adjust brightness based on real-time needs. This ensures that light is used efficiently and only when necessary. Studies show that smart lighting can reduce energy consumption by 20-50% (Dark Sky) . 

Telensa’s Role in Achieving Dark Skies 

Telensa is dedicated to supporting the Dark Skies initiative through our flexible, smart street lighting solutions. Our advanced control systems provide municipalities with the ability to precisely manage area lighting, aligning with the specific safety needs and requirements of different areas and events. This adaptability ensures that lighting is used efficiently, reducing unnecessary illumination and minimising light pollution. 

Our technology allows for dynamic lighting adjustments based on real-time data such as traffic patterns and occupancy levels. This flexibility ensures that lighting is both efficient and environmentally friendly. By dimming or turning off lights when they are not needed, we help communities save energy and protect the night sky. 


Collaborating with Governments 

Governments play a crucial role in the effort to reduce light pollution and protect dark skies. By partnering with municipalities and regulatory bodies, Telensa can help implement smart lighting solutions that align with local ordinances and national regulations aimed at reducing light pollution. For instance, cities like Tucson, Arizona, have seen a nearly 7% reduction in light pollution after implementing strict lighting ordinances. 

We can work together with government agencies to design and deploy lighting systems that are both effective and environmentally responsible. Our solutions offer municipalities the flexibility to control lighting based on the specific needs of different areas, ensuring public safety while minimising light pollution. This collaborative approach not only helps protect our night skies but also promotes energy efficiency and cost savings for local governments. 

For more information on how Telensa’s products can help achieve dark skies, visit our website or contact our team. Together, we can ensure that the stars continue to shine brightly for generations to come. 

Topics: smart streetlights, smart city, dark sky